Many boys get tongue-tied and nervous when talking to someone they are interested in. Often, sending text messages is easier than speaking verbally or face-to-face. However, nothing beats having an actual conversation with someone. Not only do you get instant responses, but it also adds a personal touch to the conversation. Furthermore, whether you are talking on the phone or in person, hearing a person’s voice, reactions, and expressions make the experience constructive and worthwhile.
To engage in a good conversation with a girl you are interested in, you need to exude a certain level of confidence when approaching her for that first small talk. While it’s not necessary to come off as too cool or too fresh, knowing what to say and how to say it can be beneficial.
Remember, you don’t have to be an expert conversationalist to succeed. What’s more important is to stay true to your personality and be yourself.
Are you wondering how to start a conversation with a girl you like more confidently? Let’s explore the following principles that can help you become more spontaneous while talking to a girl.
1. Learn to Balance Self-Confidence.

Whether you want to get to know a girl better or you’re trying to achieve your romantic goals, self-confidence is key. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be overly confident when approaching a girl. What’s more important is your ability to carry out a decent conversation. Girls don’t like guys who are full of themselves, so strive for a level of confidence that exudes warmth, humility, and sincerity.
According to behavioral psychology, confidence refers to the belief and feeling that you can successfully perform a task. However, too much self-confidence may not always yield positive outcomes, especially when you’re trying to connect with people. In fact, some girls may find this intimidating and pushy.
The trick is to develop an accessible and friendly personality while finding the perfect balance that works for you. Research has shown that sheepish grins and a hint of shyness can be very appealing to many girls as well.
2. Be Presentable.

In just a few seconds, a girl can decide whether or not she wants to talk to you. The moment she notices you approaching her, she may develop an excuse to escape and avoid talking to you. However, you can turn things in your favor by making a good first impression.
Your physical appearance and how you present yourself play a vital role in striking up a conversation with a girl. To become presentable, start with good personal hygiene and proper grooming. Wear appropriate clothing and just the right amount of perfume or cologne.
Pay attention to your posture and walking manner, as they can contribute to a good personality. Most importantly, exude a pleasant aura and flash a friendly smile as you approach her to express your eagerness to talk to her.
3. Say “Hi” and Find Something Appropriate to Say.

A good conversation starts with a pleasant greeting. Simply saying “hi” is a good start, followed by asking her how she’s doing. This lets her know that you are interested in how she feels at that moment.
You can ask basic questions such as “How are you?” or “Is everything alright?” or “What’s up?” These conversation starters can lead to opportunities to talk about other topics.
Assess the situation and observe how she responds to find out if you can carry on the conversation. If she’s receptive and friendly, you can think of other appropriate things to say.
For example, if you’re at a party, ask her what she thinks about the event. If you’re in school, you can ask her about a project, homework, or school activity. The key is to ask about anything that relates to the current situation.
Focus on the present and allow the conversation to flow smoothly. If she wants to talk to you, it shouldn’t be difficult. Remember to be confident and stay true to yourself.
4. Complement Her.

Giving a girl an honest and respectful compliment can go a long way. You can tell her things like “you look amazing,” “you’re killing it out there,” or “your smile is infectious.” However, be sure to make it sound natural and convincing, as any insincere remarks can easily ruin your chances. Give compliments subtly to avoid making her feel uncomfortable.
When offering compliments, be polite and avoid sexually suggestive remarks. Don’t give her the impression that you’re examining her from head to toe. It’s inappropriate and ungentlemanly to make comments that are out of line.
For example, never mention her body shape, revealing dress, flawless skin, or sexy legs. Anything that suggests physical desire or lust is not a good way to start a conversation.
5. Talk About Your Common Interests.

A good way to initiate a conversation with a girl is to focus on your shared interests. This is one of the best ways to establish a connection and build a friendship.
To do this, you can benefit from researching the girl beforehand to find out about her hobbies and interests. This will help you figure out how to start a conversation and uncover any similarities you might have, so you can relate to each other.
For example, find out if she likes sports, music, books, travel, food, or arts. Get to know the topics that interest her. Once you have enough information, you can think of a good way to approach her and get her attention by connecting her interests with your own.
Most girls like guys who can relate to them and understand their preferences. Therefore, using your common interests as a point of reference to establish a foundation can be a great way to start a conversation with a girl.
6. Don’t Intimidate Her.

If you want to have a good start when talking to a girl, avoid intimidating her by showing off. Girls find guys who think highly of themselves to be self-centered and conceited. So even if you are blessed with good looks and confidence, maintain a low profile to avoid adding tension to the conversation.
Furthermore, as much as you want to impress her, don’t brag about your looks, skills, or ability to attract every girl’s attention. Not all girls are interested in hearing about your best qualities. Acting too self-absorbed might give her the impression that you’re a narcissist, which can significantly hurt your chances of connecting with her.
Therefore, if you want to start a conversation with a girl, your primary objective is to make her feel at ease with your presence.
7. Make Eye Contact.

As the saying goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” This is why eye contact is extremely important when starting a conversation with a girl. It’s a form of body language that expresses your genuine intentions and shows that you’re paying attention to the person you’re talking to.
Our eyes and physical gestures often convey what’s on our mind before we even speak. This is what makes eye contact so crucial if you’re trying to win a girl’s heart. You can use your eyes to build a connection or express your fondness for her. Whether you want her to be your friend or you’re falling in love, your eyes can say it all.
One of the most important aspects of making eye contact is to establish trust. The girl you’re talking to will trust and appreciate you more if you can look directly into her eyes. Eye contact creates a certain level of understanding between two people because it strongly suggests openness and sincerity. It’s like saying, “you can trust me, I’m interested, and I’m willing to listen.”
8. Ask General Questions That Require Elaborate Answers.

If you want to buy some time to think about your next move, ask the girl open-ended questions. These questions require detailed answers from her and cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
Start with general questions that aren’t too personal or invasive. This will encourage her to speak and share random things about herself.
Here are some examples:
- What do you usually do during your spare time?
- What type of adventures or sports excite you?
- How do you usually spend your weekends?
- Can you tell me three things about yourself?
Be selective with your questions and align them carefully with the situation. Avoid asking questions that might make her feel uncomfortable. Practice sensitivity to determine how far you can go when talking to her.
If you sense a hint of hesitation in her voice, shift the subject to something else, and try to keep things casual. Never ask personal questions about love, intimacy, and relationships unless she talks about them first.
9. Mind Your Body Language.

Your body language says a lot about your character, from the moment you start approaching a girl to the time you say “hi.” If you want to talk to a girl, your body language should complement what you say. According to psychologists, a person’s posture conveys a lot about their manners and etiquette.
For example, folding your arms in front of your body could mean that you’re putting a barrier between you and the person you’re talking to, and scanning the room while someone is speaking means that you’re not interested in listening. Sitting in a slouched position is a sign of disrespect.
So if you want to start talking to a girl and want her to talk to you as well, pay close attention to your actions. To exude a positive vibe, relax your arms on both sides or use one hand to hold a drink, face the girl you’re talking to, and lean your body slightly in her direction.
When sitting, avoid slouching and sit up straight with your arms relaxed. Face the person you’re talking to and make her feel like she has your undivided attention. If she’s talking, respond accordingly but avoid interrupting her.
10. Do Not Invade Her Personal Space.

Mind your distance when talking to a girl. Whether you’re friends, acquaintances, or complete strangers, it is important to maintain a certain amount of distance to avoid making her feel uncomfortable. Do not cross the line and invade her personal space.
Remember that being touchy or getting too close has nothing to do with wanting to strike up a conversation with a girl. Therefore, do not give her the wrong impression about your motives.
Stay close enough for her to hear you but far enough to respect her personal boundaries. Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between starting a conversation with a girl and flirting with her, and not all girls are willing to play games.
In fact, a lot of girls can easily walk away if a guy gets too close for their comfort. So know your position and be conscious of her personal space at all times while having a conversation.
The takeaway, the best way to figure out how to start a conversation with a girl is by keeping it natural. Work on your personality and avoid focusing on ways to impress her. Try to improve your ability to initiate a pleasant conversation and be conscious about your actions to exude a positive aura.
If you tend to buckle and get nervous, practice how to deliver a friendly greeting and bear in mind a handful of ideas to approach a girl in a polite and friendly way. By being genuine and sincere, you can win the attention of almost any girl.
Lastly, don’t be afraid of rejection. Remember that the only people who never fail are those who never try. So if you want to start a conversation with a girl, do your best and give it your best shot.
Witnessing her response to your friendly gesture is far better than sitting still while wondering about what might have been if you gave it a try.