Typically, as women, we tend to fall in love easily, and sometimes we don’t know when a man could be trying to indicate that they like us or not. Today, you will discover if that person you can’t get out of your head is in love with you.
12 Signs a Guy Likes You

The following signs are ones you can look for when you’re trying to figure out if he likes you or not. Remember, not all guys will be as obvious in showing you they like you, so it’s important to look out for small details too.
1. He regularly asks about you.
Whenever he sees people you are friends with too, and you’re not there, he asks about you. He wonders where you are, what you’re up to, and why you weren’t able to make it to the gathering. Not only does he have these thoughts, but he’s interested enough in knowing the answers to those thoughts that he puts in the effort to ask. He also knows that your friends will probably tell you that he asked about you, so it’s a subtle way for him to make you aware that you were on his mind.
2. He joins your plans.
Whenever you mention something you have planned, he includes himself regardless of whether you invite him or not. He’s always down to do anything that means he gets to spend time with you, and he’s always looking for opportunities to spend more time with you as well.
3. He constantly seeks your attention.
Whenever you’re together, or near each other, he’s always trying to do little things to stand out and catch your attention. He wants to be noticed by you more than anything.
4. He gets nervous around you.
He doesn’t know how to act or what to do when he’s around you. He can’t sit still and fidgets with whatever is in front of him because of how nervous you make him. You may even notice that the things he says simply don’t make sense or sound a bit silly.
5. He wants to see you.
He doesn’t hang out with you just because. He truly wants to see you. He loves doing things with you and spending time with you whenever he gets the chance because he likes being around you.
6. He wants to get to know you.
He actually puts effort into getting to know you. He asks questions about your past and cares about what you have to say when you’re sharing those things with him. He also cares about what’s going on in your life, how you’re doing, and what plans you may have.
7. He goes out of his way for you.
When a guy continuously goes out of his way for you, it’s almost certain that he likes you. Everyone has stuff going on in their lives, making them busy most of the time, but if, despite that, he goes out of his way to do favors for you or even to spend time with you, he definitely likes you.
8. He compliments you a lot.
You can get compliments from anyone, even people you don’t know, but if he likes you, he will compliment you frequently, and not just about physical things like your smile, what you’re wearing, or how nice your hair looks. He’ll also compliment you about your personality and how you do even the smallest thing.
9. He frequently calls you.
He doesn’t think it’s a hassle to talk on the phone with you because he considers it a way he gets to spend more time with you. He enjoys talking to you any chance he gets.
10. He replies quickly.
As mentioned before, everyone has stuff going on in their lives, and they can’t always reply quickly to texts. However, when a guy likes you and is really interested in you, he’ll reply quickly throughout most of the day.
11. He includes you in his plans.
If he’s talking about plans with you, it’s because he wants you in his life a few months from now, and that is a great sign that he really likes you.
12. He wants to talk to you even after seeing you.
Sometimes, when you’ve hung out with a guy, he won’t be very responsive afterward because he just spent time with you, but when a guy really likes you, you’ll notice that he texts you soon after you’ve left and continues talking to you despite having just spent time together.
8-Question Quiz to Find Out if He Likes You

After completing this quiz, you will be able to identify if that person is in love with you or not. The way it works is that each question you can answer ‘yes’ to equals 1 point.
There are a total of 8 questions. If you answer ‘yes’ to 4/8 questions, it’s likely that he’s in love with you. If you can answer ‘yes’ to 6/8 questions, then he definitely likes you. However, if you can only answer ‘yes’ to 2/8 questions, the answer is no.
1. Has he contacted you recently?
Someone who likes you and is interested in pursuing something with you doesn’t want much time to go by since the last time you talked. If he doesn’t talk to you every day, you should at least expect him to talk to you a couple of times a week.
2. Have you gone out together lately?
If he likes you, he wants to go on dates with you. What better thing to do than eat together? Everyone has to eat, so even if he’s a very busy guy, he can use this as an excuse to set aside some time for you while also accomplishing something he has to do anyways.
3. Is he updating his social media more often?
He wants you to notice if he’s constantly updating his feed. It might be because he’s seeking attention, but most likely, he’s seeking your attention, not anyone else’s.
4. Have you seen him recently?
He’ll probably make more of an effort to show up to gatherings or go places he thinks he’ll bump into you because he wants an excuse to keep seeing you.
5. Have your friends mentioned him lately?
If any of your friends have recently asked what you think about him, it’s possible that he asked them to ask you so he can find out discreetly without confronting you himself.
6. Has he changed his style lately?
Have you noticed that he’s dressing differently? How someone dresses can say a lot about them, and if you have a more specific style, you may notice that he’s starting to dress like you to match your vibe. He won’t be wearing the same thing, of course, just outfits that go with your style, as opposed to what he typically wears. This could be because he wants to catch your eye.
7. Does he seem busy but still make time for you?
Although we women don’t imagine this happening, when a man likes us, they typically want to appear busier or like they have a lot going on in their life and don’t have time for us. It’s very likely that if he responds nicely but lets you know he’s very busy, but may be able to see you (and he always ends up having time for you), it’s a sign that he likes you!
8. Has he hinted that he’s free to hang out?
Has he ever mentioned that his house is empty, his roommates or parents are out for the weekend, or that he lives alone? If at any point he’s made it clear that he’s by himself, even if it was quick and subtle, he may have been trying to let you know you could come over.
How to Ask Him if He Likes You

If he’s not making it clear if he likes you or not because he’s sending too many mixed signals, the best thing to do is to ask him directly. It can seem like an intimidating idea, but sometimes looking for signs to be able to determine if he really likes you or not isn’t enough. You need to keep a few things in mind when you decide to ask him directly.
- Prepare yourself for his answer. Make sure you’re prepared to hear a good or bad answer. Even if you haven’t noticed a lot of clear signs indicating that he likes you, he might. However, you should also be prepared for the worst, just in case.
- Be ready to discuss what happens next. If, after asking him directly, he says yes, you need to be ready for what happens next. He might want to exclusively date you, or he might be ready to jump into a relationship with you. This will likely be the next discussion you have.
- Try to stay calm. You might be really nervous about asking him, but you want to do your best to remain calm and collected. It’s important that you speak slowly and clearly, and communicate everything you want to.
Figuring out if a guy likes you is often a struggle, and it can be really draining to try to analyze everything going on to really know if he’s into you or not. Hopefully, with the quiz and the signs we listed, you’re able to determine if that guy really likes you and see what happens next.