You might be hoping that he misses you for a couple of different reasons. It could be because you’re in a good situation with him and you want to feel missed, or it could be because he left you and you want him to regret his decision.
Whatever the reason, you need to remember that it’s important to know when to stop making him miss you because if you just want him to miss you because you long for that feeling, you might end up pushing him away by accident. If you’re trying to get him to miss you, so he regrets leaving you, you might end up looking ridiculous and like you’re trying too hard.
So, it’s important to know when to stop, and when making him miss you will play in your favor.
Benefits of Making Him Miss You
If you’re happy with someone, you might be wondering why it’s even necessary to have him miss you. Below you’ll find some of the reasons why.
- To feel appreciated. Sometimes feeling missed gives you a sense of appreciation and that he doesn’t just take you for granted because he notices when you’ve spent less time together or when it’s been a while since you last did something together.
- To strengthen your bond. You might want him to miss you because it makes your relationship feel stronger when he does. Similar to what was mentioned above, it makes you feel that he values the time he spends with you.
- To give each other space. Having him miss you is a positive thing when done in moderation because it indicates that you give each other space. It’s nice when you have the chance to miss someone because when you don’t, it means you spend too much time together, and that’s not healthy for your relationship either.
6 Tips on How to Make Him Miss You

After determining why you want him to miss you, here are a few things you can do to accomplish that and get him to miss you.
1. Stop responding to text messages and phone calls quickly.
One of the easiest things you can do is to stop responding so quickly to his texts or calls. Especially if you’re usually fast at replying, if you take longer than usual, he’ll definitely notice. If he calls, consider missing the call and calling him back shortly after. That way, you’re still able to communicate with him, but after making him wait a little, allowing him the chance to wonder what you’re up to that you weren’t able to answer, making him miss you.
2. Avoid seeing him in person.
To make him miss you, it’s important to avoid seeing him in person for a few days or up to a week, depending on how frequently you usually spend time together. For instance, if you usually see each other multiple times a week, try limiting it to once a week. Similarly, if you see each other every day, try to avoid seeing him for a few days.
In situations where it’s not possible to avoid seeing him, such as if you live, work, or study together, try to limit your interactions and avoid spending too much time together.
3. Hang out with other people.
This is a great way to make him miss you because he might get a little jealous that you’re spending time with other people instead of with him, especially if you have been avoiding him a little bit.
The key thing to do if you want to use this method to make him miss you is to make sure he knows that you’re hanging out with other people before you hang out with him or while you’re hanging out with them because if you wait to tell him after you already hung out with them, it won’t have the same effect.
4. Don’t post on social media.
If he usually checks his social media and what other people post throughout the day, you definitely want to avoid posting things. This is because when you post about your day and what you’re doing, it allows him to keep up with you, and since he feels like he knows what you’re up to, he might not talk to you as much because he feels caught up.
However, if he doesn’t know what you’re up to, he’ll miss you more, and he’ll be more inclined to check in on you by texting or calling.
5. End conversation first.
When you’re on the phone with him, be the first to say goodbye so he feels like you’re busy, or like you might have something better to do than to be on the phone with him. You should be careful with this and not do it every single phone call, only when you really want him to miss you.
Doing this might inspire him to send you a message asking why you hung up in such a rush, indicating that he would have liked to talk to you for longer, maybe meaning that he was missing you.
6. Leave something of yours at his house.
This is a very efficient way of making him miss you without trying too hard. Forget something of yours at his house or in his car, so he thinks of you every time he sees it. Before you know it, he’ll be sending an ‘I miss you’ text or trying to meet up with you again, not just to return what you left, but because he misses you and wants to spend even just a little bit of time with you.
5 Tips on How to Get Him to Miss You After Breaking Up

If you’re going through a breakup, you might want to make him miss you, so he regrets breaking up with you. Below are some things you can do to have him missing you and regretting his decisions.
1. Post photos with someone new.
Posting with someone else, especially sitting close to him or even hugging each other, will have him wishing that they were him instead of another guy, instantly making him miss you. He’ll be asking himself why he chose to leave you and why you were able to move on to someone else so fast, making him regret his decision.
2. Post photos of going out and having fun.
You don’t necessarily have to be seeing someone else or posting photos with another guy to make him miss you. You can simply be hanging out with your closest girlfriends somewhere really fun, and he’ll miss you regardless. As long as he knows you’re still able to have a good time without him there, he’ll regret leaving you.
3. Post reminders of places you used to go together.
Go to where you would always get lunch together, your favorite bar, or wherever you spent the most time together, and post a casual photo showing you’re there. He’ll wonder who you’re there with now, making him regret leaving you because now he doesn’t get to go with you, or he’ll instantly miss you because that was your place together.
4. Make sure he sees your glow-up.
After a breakup, most people experience a glow-up because they have more time for themselves, and they want to work on being the best they can be for the next person and make external and internal improvements to appeal to new people. Once he sees your glow up, he’ll regret leaving you, and he’ll wish to get another chance with you because of how much he misses you.
5. Don’t reply right away if he reaches out.
If he returns to you wanting another chance, don’t reply immediately. You want him to feel like you’re cool without him, and not like you’ve been waiting for him to reach out. Let him miss you, so it’s much better for him if he gets you back.
Getting him to miss you isn’t as hard as you may think. You can do many simple things to achieve your goal of getting him to miss you with little effort. If you miss him too, getting him to miss you could be a little bit more challenging because you don’t actually want to wait to reply to his texts or answer his calls, so you need to make sure you’re keeping busy to be successful.
Try to hang out with your friends as much as possible, immerse yourself in a new hobby, and do things you were putting off like organizing your place or running certain errands, whatever you can think of so that you fully allow him the chance to miss you.
Also, remember that if you go overboard, he might interpret it as you not being interested or caring about him, so be cautious so that you’re actually able to get him to miss you and not just make him sad or mad, or uncomfortable.