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8 Tips for Setting up the Perfect Dating Profile

Set up the perfect dating profile and meet new people faster with these 8 tips for getting all the right matches.

Sarah Hall By Sarah Hall Reviewed by Albert Brown

It’s no surprise that most singles are on some type of dating site or at least offering themselves up on a social platform in some way, shape, or form, considering that one in three successful couples actually meet online.

Even if you’re not using a specific dating site and just want your online presence to convey that you’re single and ready to mingle, it’s important to set up every social profile in a way that attracts attention instead of pushing it away. 

Creating an eye-catching profile doesn’t have to be rocket science, and even those who struggle with dating can attract potential partners with a snazzy profile. We’ve gathered advice from top experts and psychologists who know what they’re talking about, so you can get your profile right the first time.

Why Having a Dating Profile Is Important?

Importance of a dating profile
Having a dating profile is good to increase the chances of meeting someone special.

It should be obvious why creating a super awesome dating profile is important. After all, you’re trying to snag a date here. Being single in your 30s and beyond isn’t always fun. While it’s not impossible to have fun, most people eventually want to settle down with that special someone.

Your profile is what will sell you – body and all – if you’re looking for love. You want to make sure you give off the right impression and catch the attention of all the right people.

3 Key Elements of a Dating Profile

Your Photos.

Importance of your dating profile pictures
On a dating profile, pictures matter.

Both men and women understand that photos are the main focal point of their dating profile. Physical attraction is an essential factor in determining whether you like a person or not. While women tend to prioritize personality over photos, men tend to focus on the latter. However, women still base their final decision on whether they find the person physically attractive or not.

It’s not enough to have photos that make you look good. You need to remember that you are trying to impress people, and they will scrutinize every little detail. Some may even criticize you for taking a mirror selfie in the bathroom. Therefore, it’s crucial to be mindful of the quality and quantity of photos you allow on your profile.

While it’s okay to have a few photos of you with friends, you don’t want too many of them. This is a dating profile about you, not you and your friends. Having too many friend photos can actually hurt your chances of connecting with someone.

Your Profile.

Importance of your main profile picture
The information shared on the profile matters.

Your dating profile is a lot like a resume. The people you’re trying to impress and date are like employers looking to hire, sifting through resume after resume. The point is that you have to somehow get them to stop and look at you over the others. In the world of social media, there’s tons of competition.

One really great way to attract exactly what you want is to be exactly who you are in real life, online. Honesty is always the best policy, and both men and women dig a real person over a fake one any day.

If you put out exactly what you want in return, those are the type of people you’ll attract. For instance, ladies, if you post scantily clad photos in raunchy outfits with your tongue hanging out, you’re more than likely going to attract some less-than-ideal guys.

Leave something to the imagination and don’t be like every other girl out there. That will make him stop on your profile immediately.

Guys, most women appreciate a man who is respectful, sensitive, yet manly at the same time. So if you’re one of the few men who don’t have a bunch of hot but fake girls as friends on your dating profile, that’s one great way to make a real woman stop and look at your profile.

When you’re different, you stand out.

Your Profile’s Content.

Importance of the content of your dating profile
The words you use matter to the person reading your profile.

This should be a no-brainer. Always be cautious about what you say online, especially on a dating profile. The more negativity you express, the less attractive you become. If you come across as conceited, it will push people away. Be mindful of the text and words you use in your profile.

Remember, your profile is promoting you and your potential for love. What is it worth to you? If someone could literally buy it, what would you want to say to them before they made the purchase?

Of course, you’re a human being, and you’re priceless, but you still need to be careful with the words you use on your profile, as well as in chats or personal messages to others.

Always strive to showcase the best side of yourself when it comes to your online dating presence.

Tips to Improve Your Dating Profile

Tips to get more attention
These tips will help you create a dating profile that will catch everyone’s attention.

1. Complete Your Profile.

Statistics show that filling out more of your profile increases your chances of receiving messages, likes, requests, and more. The reason is simple: people like to know they’re talking to a real person. When you have everything filled in, dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s, the other person can rest assured that you’re a genuine individual.

We’re not suggesting that you write a novel in your About Me section because that’s actually a big no-no. Too much information can destroy connections rather than make them. However, do write enough to briefly describe the best parts of you and what makes you happy in life. Mention your friends, family, kids, travels, and always be honest.

Connect all the profiles that you’d like, such as your email and perhaps your Skype or Instagram. You’re twice as likely to receive a message from someone if you connect something personal like your email or social profiles.

2. Share Who You Are and What You Want.

There’s nothing worse than meeting someone who lies about their intentions. It always leads to someone getting hurt in the end. That’s why it’s crucial to be 100% honest about what you’re looking for and why you’re creating a dating profile. You should also tell the truth about who you are.

Most people on social dating sites are seeking something more serious than just a phone chat or online conversation. It’s highly likely that you two will end up meeting each other. So, make sure that you communicate your intentions clearly before meeting in person.

Around here, we call people who pretend to be something they’re not “fake,” and that’s nothing to be proud of. It’s crucial to be genuine and honest, no matter the cost. Be clear about what you want and mean what you say.

3. Choose the Right Profile Pictures.

Your profile picture is the first impression people will have of you. If your photo is blurry or you’re hiding your face, people may not give you a second chance. It’s crucial to make sure you look good in the picture, preferably by yourself to make you the focus. However, it’s important not to give away too much.

Classy, wholesome, and sexy usually make a lasting impression on real men and women. It’s best not to reveal too much in your photo. A face photo will suffice, but be sure to include full-body photos elsewhere in your profile. Some people may judge your weight based on your face, without realizing how beautiful you truly are.

4. Be Intriguing on Your Profile.

If you want people to approach you, it’s essential to be approachable. Make sure you come across as inviting both in your profile and in what you write. The intriguing part should come from within. Be mysterious about your life to the extent that the reader wants to know more.

You could even say something like, “If you want to know more about me, let’s get to know each other on a personal level!” This approach is open, honest, and inviting, making it even more intriguing for potential matches.

5. Stick to 5-7 Pictures on Your Dating Profile.

Make sure that you don’t choose five of the same photo over and over, even if it was an awesome camping trip. Avoid group photos after group photos as they don’t always do justice to the dater.

Having too many photos can make you look insecure, needy, and attention-seeking. On the other hand, not having enough photos may cause you to be skipped altogether. A healthy number of five to seven photos of you, your favorite things, and places should do the trick.

You don’t want your profile to be just about your face and body. It’s essential to let your personality shine through the photos. For instance, if you’re into racing and fishing, you could include a hot selfie, a couple of photos of you in your racecar, one with your buddies fishing, and one with your family on Thanksgiving.

It’s essential to show who you are on the inside too, not just on the outside.

6. Spread Positivity and Good Vibe on Your Profile.

Your dating profile should showcase the best side of you possible. Avoid sharing drama, leave that for Facebook. Although everyone has negative qualities, it’s best not to highlight them on your profile. After all, what if your amazing qualities outweigh the bad, but someone sees the bad first?

Keep your profile positive, but not cheesy. Girls can get away with a little more than guys, but it’s still important to avoid excessive memes and quotes that are either super sad or super sappy. You could add one or two per month, but the rest of your profile should focus on normal positivity. Don’t overdo it, but don’t be negative either.

7. Check Your Profile’s Content for Grammar Mistakes.

You don’t have to be a grammar police, but it’s important to learn the difference between “they’re,” “there,” and “their.” Over half of women will reject a profile due to grammatical errors, not just one or two but repeatedly. It’s crucial to check your spelling.

We understand that nobody’s perfect, and it’s okay to make mistakes. However, it’s essential to use proper words at the right time. If you’re unsure, don’t use them. It’s okay to leave some errors as they are, but the truth is most people will skip a profile with multiple mistakes.

8. Be Yourself.

The most crucial rule in online dating is to be yourself all the time, 100%. If you have kids, it’s essential to mention this on your profile because dating online is different from walking up to someone and going on a date. You need to be transparent, 110%, in the online dating world.

It doesn’t mean you have to give away all your secrets, but it’s crucial to be honest about things that matter in a relationship on your dating profile.

About the Author

Sarah Hall Image

Sarah has been writing since 2016, taking after her parents' literary passions that inspired her even at a young age. She holds a degree in Psychology, which has aided her writing career by enabling her to understand others and approach them more effectively. Currently, she serves as an Editorial Writer for Chat Line Numbers, contributing to the blog with insightful articles and thought-provoking content. In addition to writing and Psychology, she enjoys playing tennis on the weekends.