Every relationship reaches a point where you realize that the person you’re with is someone you can’t live without. At this moment, you start building hopes and dreams that the bond you share can withstand the test of time and overcome all challenges.
Maintaining a relationship and keeping it going isn’t easy, particularly when you start dealing with individual differences. However, a “happily ever after” is possible if you’re willing to make compromises and if your feelings for each other are stronger than any issues that may arise.
Here’s a checklist to help you determine if your relationship is on the path to success or headed for a breakup:
1. You Give Each Other Time and Space to Pursue Passions

The most vital components of a successful relationship is love. When you genuinely love someone, you allow them to be happy by supporting them in doing the things they enjoy.
In return, you also receive the freedom to pursue your own interests and activities. Giving each other time and space is crucial for individual growth.
This means you’re acknowledging each other’s potential and all that you can accomplish, even while being in a relationship.
2. You Are Each Other’s Best Friend in Good and Bad Times

Who is the first person that comes to mind when you receive wonderful news? Is it the same person who pops into your mind when you get bad news?
If you’re planning to take your relationship to the next level, this person should be someone you can trust and rely on during both good times and bad – just like a loyal best friend.
This person should be someone you can count on to share anything with, good or bad; not someone you’re constantly worried about when life gets difficult.
A relationship bound for success involves two people who aren’t afraid to face life’s twists and turns together.
3. You Both Know That Love Isn’t Everything

If you want your relationship to succeed, you must learn how to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Don’t be blinded by phrases that imply ideas such as “all you need is love” and “you’re all I need in this world.”
Love won’t pay the bills or put food on the table. It won’t help you keep your house, your job, or your car. Believing that love is enough is a fantasy.
Reality check: the strength of a relationship will be tested once bills start piling up, it’s time to manage your finances, work gets in the way, other people challenge your relationship, and arguments become more frequent.
All these things are part of reality, and there’s even more to it. So, if you want to determine if your relationship will succeed, do a reality check. Are you willing to carry on through these challenges?
4. You’re Willing to Accept Each Other’s Flaws

Remember that you’re in a relationship with a human being; someone who’s not as perfect as Barbie or Ken. When you’re dating, you tend to see only the best in each other.
You pay attention to every detail: the clothes you wear, makeup, shoes, body language, gestures, and even your manner of speaking. However, the intent to appear flawless can only last for so long.
Over time, you’ll discover that your “used to be” perfect date isn’t as perfect after all. She’s not as pretty without makeup on, he snores really loud, she constantly nags, his feet smell, she’s very disorganized, and the list of flaws goes on.
If you’re willing to accept that this person isn’t Miss or Mister Perfect and are willing to embrace all their imperfections, then there’s hope for your relationship.
5. You Don’t Have to Make an Impression to Feel Accepted

One of the things that differentiate dating and being in a relationship is that when you’re dating, you try to make good impressions. But when you’re in a relationship, real situations are revealed.
A successful relationship is one where making an impression is not as important anymore. It’s that state where you feel accepted even if you didn’t get the promotion or you failed in your business venture. You feel secure even if your cooking isn’t great and your hair’s a mess all day.
A lasting relationship is not based on making impressions but rather accepting each other despite your failures and shortcomings.
6. Forgiving Each Other for Mistakes and Weaknesses

Committing mistakes and making wrong decisions is part of being human. In a relationship, if you have the willpower to forgive, then you can have a future together. No single person is immune to temptation.
For example, men might be drawn to attractive women at work, while women might unintentionally take their partners for granted. If you’re willing to forgive each other and offer a second chance, you might just be able to pick up from where you left off.
It may not be easy, but it’s worth it if you genuinely want to save your relationship. Allow your mistakes to serve as lessons.
7. You Respect Each Other’s Friends and Families

Before you entered a relationship, there were already important people in your life. A healthy relationship won’t pull you away from these people, regardless of any circumstances.
Even if you’re in a relationship, you must acknowledge that the world is not made entirely for the two of you and that you need other people to grow and be happy.
If your partner respects and values the people who are important to you, it’s a good indication that your relationship will succeed because it accounts for one less conflict to deal with.
8. You Take Care of Each Other’s Health and Wellness

A promising relationship involves concern for each other’s health and well-being. When you start to pay attention to each other’s health and take time to care for one another, it’s a good sign that your relationship has deepened and become more genuine.
This also reflects a sense of responsibility for each other, signifying a more mature relationship. So, if you feel cared for and your health matters to your significant other, it could be a sign of a relationship that’s bound to last.
9. Your Future Plans are Aligned With Your Partner’s Plans.

Compatibility plays a major role in every relationship. This means that your current situation and plans for the future align with each other. This could involve both of you wanting a long-term, stable relationship, getting married someday, or building your own family.
Gone are the days when women had to be submissive to whatever men wanted. Times have changed, and women’s aspirations may differ from what men want in their relationships.
For this reason, it’s crucial to align your plans and aspirations with each other to determine if you’re compatible. If you share similar goals, plans, and beliefs, you can have a more successful relationship.
10. Both of You Embrace Commitment

For a relationship to prosper, both parties must not be afraid of commitment. This is often where problems arise, as some men fear committing to a long-term relationship, thinking their happy days will soon be over. Meanwhile, some women dream of having their “happily ever after” with their partner.
For a relationship to last and succeed, the willingness to stay committed should be mutual. You can always make arrangements to maintain each other’s freedom in some aspects of your life, but the real deal comes from staying loyal to each other regardless of any circumstance. If both of you are willing to commit wholeheartedly to such an arrangement, your relationship can stay wonderful for a long time.
Whether a relationship will succeed or not can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” A relationship is not a condition that can be diagnosed to determine the prognosis.
Its success depends entirely on the two people involved and how they choose to manage their relationship based on the signs mentioned above.
There is no “one size fits all” checklist applicable to every relationship, as each is unique and has its own qualities. Even if you put in your best effort, you can only do so much.
Ultimately, what matters most is how you feel about the relationship you’re in. Ask yourself if it makes you happy and if it’s helping you grow as a person. Time is the only true test of a relationship’s strength, so give it your all and put your heart into it.