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10 Signs of a Victim Mentality

Don't let a victim mentality hold you back. You're more capable than you realize! Let us show you how to overcome this mindset.

Sharon Riley By Sharon Riley Reviewed by Lea Bennet

What Is Victim Mentality?

Victim mentality is the belief that someone is a victim due to the actions of others. Individuals with this mentality genuinely believe that they are victims in most situations and behave accordingly. This mindset often stems from past trauma and hardships that the person has faced but has been unable to overcome.

The resulting feelings of helplessness lead them to view themselves as victims and believe that nothing they do can resolve their situation. Ultimately, this coping mechanism serves as a way for them to deal with their trauma.

3 Reasons People Adopt a Victim Mindset

Man reflecting.
Why people adopt a victim’s mindset.

You may be curious about the reasons behind why you or someone you know has a victim mentality. Generally, there are three main factors that contribute to the adoption of this mindset.

1. So they’re not held accountable.

The victim mentality is often adopted by individuals who wish to avoid being held accountable for their actions or mistakes. They choose to believe that they are not the problem, regardless of the situation or the extent to which they may be at fault. Their goal is to avoid being seen as the source of a problem or facing problems altogether. Consequently, they are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, regardless of the circumstances.

2. To receive attention.

Some individuals adopt the victim mentality because they crave attention and know that playing the victim often results in receiving it. They may feel as though they are not receiving enough attention, even when they are, due to their worldview. Therefore, they amplify their victim mentality to gain even more attention.

3. To feel validated.

Seeking validation is a significant reason why some people adopt a victim mentality, as they seek external validation for their actions, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

10 Signs Someone Has a Victim Mentality

Signs of victim mindset.
Signs to be aware of.

1. They always have an excuse.

If a person consistently makes excuses for behavior considered inappropriate or could be subject to criticism, and has already planned their justifications, then they may have a victim mentality.

2. They constantly seek validation.

We previously discussed how people with a victim mentality seek validation to feel justified, but it is also common to identify someone with a victim mentality when they frequently ask for validation. These two characteristics are interrelated, with the need for validation and its persistent pursuit often indicating a victim mentality.

3. They don’t take responsibility.

People with a victim mentality typically refuse to take responsibility for anything that occurs, avoiding any form of accountability. They blame others for any problem or issue, dismissing it as someone else’s responsibility. This mindset often leads them to disregard important matters, even those that directly concern them, due to their victim mentality.

4. They feel stuck.

People with a victim mentality tend to experience a sense of stagnation in their lives. They frequently feel trapped in their present circumstances or in the traumatic event that triggered their victim mentality, preventing them from moving forward. Consequently, they struggle to make progress and often feel like they are taking one step forward and three steps back.

5. They are negative.

A negative mindset or personality can result from various factors such as depression, anxiety, or a bad temper. However, negativity, in combination with other factors mentioned above, is often linked to a victim mentality. People with a victim mentality not only feel trapped in their lives but also in their negative outlook.

6. They feel like everyone is against them.

People with a victim mentality tend to believe that everyone is against them and actively seeking to harm them. This perception can make them feel isolated and worsen their victim mentality, leading to loneliness.

7. They don’t accept feedback.

People with a victim mentality find it challenging to accept any form of feedback, even from those closest to them who have no ill intentions. They perceive any feedback or constructive criticism as negative, which frustrates those around them, as they are trying to help them improve. However, this type of person refuses to be receptive to feedback and remains closed off.

8. They don’t like changes.

People with a victim mentality struggle to make changes in their lives. They are often entrenched in their ways and find it particularly challenging to make internal changes as they are convinced that nothing is wrong with them. Moreover, they are often resistant to feedback from others who attempt to help them recognize and address issues.

9. They think bad things will always happen.

Individuals with a victim mentality not only perceive everyone and everything as a threat to them but also believe that they have always been, and will always be, subject to unfortunate circumstances, regardless of their actions. This perception is further perpetuated by their tendency to feel trapped and unable to make positive changes in their lives.

10. They feel unsupported by others.

The reality is that there are probably many people trying to help and support them as best they can, but they may not want to listen to them. This could be because they refuse to consider anything suggesting that person is not on their side, even though they may be.

Alternatively, they might not like what they are saying. In either case, it can be very difficult for others to stick around someone with a victim mentality because it can be very hurtful. If those people have reached their limit, they may notice them distancing themselves.

5 Tips on How to Overcome a Victim Mentality

Overcoming victim mindset.
How to change your or someone’s victim mindset.

1. Seek support from friends.

The people around you are likely the most aware that you have a victim mentality. If you’re open to hearing their perspective, it would be a good idea to ask them what they’ve observed and what they believe you can do or change to overcome this mindset. They can help hold you accountable and increase your self-awareness.

2. Acknowledge your victim mentality.

You must acknowledge that you have a victim mentality to overcome it. If you refuse to accept or admit it, you will never be able to change. Firstly, you need to admit it to yourself and then share it with the people around you, so they can support you in your journey towards change.

3. Catch yourself giving excuses.

After becoming more self-aware, it will become easier to notice when you exhibit victim mentality behaviors such as making excuses, refusing to take responsibility, and not accepting feedback. Whenever you catch yourself engaging in any of these behaviors, make an effort to correct them and change your actions. Allow yourself to be patient and show self-compassion throughout the process, acknowledging your mistakes and allowing yourself to correct them.

4. Practice self-care and self-love.

Oftentimes, individuals with a victim mentality lack self-care and self-love. Increasing the amount of time and focus you give yourself can greatly benefit you if you have a victim mentality. It’s not necessary to receive love from others to overcome this mentality, but finding love within yourself first and foremost is crucial.

5. Consider therapy.

Therapy is typically the best option for someone dealing with a victim mentality, but accepting that it’s necessary can be challenging. Even so, trying any of the suggestions mentioned above can be helpful and may even expedite the acceptance process so that seeking professional help feels more feasible. While therapy is often the most effective approach, any effort to improve your mindset and behaviors is a positive step forward.

In summary, having a victim mentality is a significant issue for the person who has it and those around them. It can cause people to distance themselves, and it may take some time before things start to improve. Starting with small changes and addressing past trauma that caused the victim mentality is a good place to start getting to the root of the problem.

About the Author

Sharon Riley Image

Sharon Riley is a talented junior content writer, bringing her brilliant topic ideas and exceptional writing skills to our readers. Currently studying Communications at the University of San Francisco, Sharon is passionate about researching and writing relationship-related content in her free time. When not in class or writing, she enjoys listening to music, rollerblading, and browsing her social media feed.