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How to Become a Better Version of Yourself

Become the best version of yourself for stronger friendships, a healthier relationship, better work opportunities, and more.

Albert Brown By Albert Brown Reviewed by Alex Smith

Ideally, we should all strive for self-improvement, constantly evolving and growing towards our personal goals in order to become better individuals.

Even if you believe yourself to be a great person, there is always room for self-improvement. Becoming aware of the areas in which you can improve is an important first step in your journey towards self-improvement.

How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

How to become a better version of yourself.
How to become a better version of yourself.

Becoming the best version of yourself can have a positive impact not only on your own life, but also on the lives of those around you. Keep the following tips in mind as you work towards self-improvement:

1. Analyze your actions.

Take a moment to pause and reflect on what you are doing, who you are, and which aspects of yourself you might be unhappy with and want to change for the better. Throughout the day, make a conscious effort to analyze everything you do and say.

Ask yourself if you are handling certain situations correctly or if there is room for improvement in your actions. Once you have reflected on your actions, write down your thoughts and conclusions. Take note of any areas in which you could improve, such as:

  • Thinking before speaking. Always consider what you are about to say and how it may affect the person you are speaking to before actually saying it.
  • Responding without a clear answer. If you are unsure about something, don’t respond just to give them an answer. Make sure what you are responding to is what you actually want to be responding to and not just something you’re saying to please them.
  • Learning how to say no. It’s okay to disagree with things and to have a different opinion. You don’t have to say “yes” to everything in life.
  • Letting the other person talk. It’s easy to get carried away and accidentally interrupt someone because you are excited to share your idea. However, it doesn’t feel good for the speaking person, as they want to get their point across too. Try to be conscious of when you speak, and wait for it to be your turn to speak. If you interrupt them, apologize and let them finish before you share what you were so eager to say. Also, make sure you show them that you are really listening and care about what they have to say until they are finished talking, so they don’t feel rushed.
  • Treating people with kindness. Even if you are having a bad day, try to treat others with kindness. It is not their fault that you are in a bad mood or having a bad day, so why take it out on them? Take a moment to feel bad, but make sure you are on your best behavior when you are with other people.
  • Following through on things. Perhaps you tend to make plans, and you decide to cancel them at the last minute, or you simply don’t show up. You tend to say you will do certain things, but you don’t follow through. You probably have friends who do this to you, and you don’t enjoy it. If you do this, you should try working on it and sticking to what you say you will do. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

2. Focus on one change at a time.

When you’ve identified several things you’d like to improve, look for situations that allow you to practice the changes you’ve planned. It’s important to avoid falling back into old habits; rather, act in line with the improvements you’ve decided to make. Trying to address all the issues at once isn’t realistic.

Instead, concentrate on improving one area at a time. This approach helps you make more progress and gives you the chance to catch and fix your mistakes as you work towards success.

3. Pay attention to your subconscious behavior.

After working on various improvements, try to catch yourself in situations where you aren’t consciously trying to change. Check if your responses and actions have improved naturally. Ideally, you’ll notice positive changes, but if you don’t, don’t worry. Keep practicing and examining the issue until you succeed.

4. Go through your list of improvements.

After giving yourself about six months to make changes, it’s time to evaluate your progress. Reflect on whether you’re still adapting to your newly established responses and behaviors. If not, revisit steps 1-3 and continue trying to improve.

Don’t be discouraged. People improve at different speeds, and some changes take longer than others. What matters most is that you are actively trying to be aware of your areas for improvement and working towards becoming a better version of yourself.

What Are the Benefits of Self-Improvement?

When you improve yourself, you’ll quickly see that other areas of your life start to get better as well. Here are some aspects of your life that may improve due to the positive changes you make:

1. Stronger friendships.

Your friendships are likely to flourish. If you enjoy being around yourself because of the improvements you’ve made, your friends will enjoy being around you too. Even if they were never unhappy before, they will certainly notice and appreciate the positive changes you’ve made.

2. Healthier relationships.

If you struggled with relationships in the past, part of the reason might have been that you needed to work on different aspects of yourself. For example, you may not have been a good listener or particularly reliable. But now that you’ve practiced the steps mentioned earlier, you could have improved these areas and learned how to be a better partner.

3. Better work opportunities.

As you improve various qualities, these changes will likely carry over to your work environment. This will not go unnoticed. Your coworkers and boss will notice and appreciate your efforts. If you’re the boss, your employees will find you more likable, which may lead to them being more attentive and working harder.

4. Better at handling pressure and stressful situations.

When you are at peace with yourself and satisfied with yourself, you’ll generally feel happier and less anxious. This mindset will enable you to manage pressure and stress better than before. Remember to periodically reassess your life and identify other areas that might need improvement.

How to Make Self Improvement Easier

How to make it easier and faster to accomplish self-improvement.
How to make it easier and faster to accomplish self-improvement.

Here are some tips to simplify the process and help you achieve your self-improvement goals more smoothly:

  • Work on your appearance. Working on your self-confidence is crucial for achieving your goals. You can start by engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself, whether it’s exercising or doing something else. When you feel good, you’ll be motivated to pursue self-improvement, and you’ll achieve your goals faster.
  • You have to want to change. If you lack the motivation to make necessary changes, you won’t be successful. Don’t change for anyone but yourself. Pursue self-improvement because it’s something you truly want to achieve for your own well-being. No one else can do it for you or decide for you; you have to want it.
  • Listen to constructive criticism. Don’t let others dictate what you should do or change, but be open to hearing about their experiences with you. They might offer insights that you can’t see on your own. Based on their feedback, you may identify areas for improvement that you hadn’t considered before.
  • Learn to apologize. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay to say sorry or admit when you were wrong. Being able to do this helps you grow and frees you from the guilt or shame that some mistakes may cause. Admitting your errors and apologizing is essential for improving your actions and words.

To sum up, self-improvement may not be an easy journey, and it will require introspection and reflection on your actions.

During the process, you might confront some challenging truths, but in the end, it’s all worth it. The effort you put into bettering yourself will bring benefits in various aspects of your life, from friendships to new opportunities.

The need for improvement doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. We all need to grow and evolve, and with continuous change comes the need to enhance different aspects of our lives.

Whether the changes you need to make are big or small, take it one step at a time, and be kind to yourself and others along the way.

About the Author

Albert Brown Image

Albert Brown is a talented content creator with a passion for storytelling and a knack for answering readers' questions. Previously a journalist for BuzzFeed, WomensMag, and Cosmopolitan, Albert holds a degree in Communications and decided to bring his talents to our platform. Currently residing in San Francisco with his dog, Mr. Peggy, Albert enjoys writing content in various coffee shops throughout the city. On the weekends, he can often be found hiking and biking in the great outdoors.